Student Zone
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Tuition Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions form the basis of your tuition offered by Tony Adams School of Motoring. The provision of this tuition is subject to the acceptance of these terms and conditions.
1. Eligibility:
You must be aged 17 or over. (16 if in receipt of higher rate DLA or PiP)
Hold a valid, current (provisional, full or international) driving licence, and produce it on your first lesson.
You must be able to read a number plate at a distance of 20 meters
You must be fit and well to drive with regard to current legal and medical requirements.
2. Payments:
Payment can be made by cash or card, either in advance or at the end of each lesson.
Pre-paid lessons are non-refundable and non-transferable and are valid for 12 months from the date of payment.
3. Cancellation:
If you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson, you must give at least 48 hours’ notice. If the minimum notice is not given, the full lesson fee will apply.
We will endeavour to ensure that your lessons are punctual. However, we reserve the right to cancel, postpone, or amend lesson lengths and start/finish times under certain extenuating circumstances (e.g., dangerous weather conditions, road closures, driving tests). In the event of postponement on our behalf, then fees paid in advance will be carried forward.
We reserve the right to cancel or curtail a lesson if it is suspected that you may be unfit to drive due to the effects of alcohol, drugs (prescribed or otherwise), or any other condition that could result in illegal/dangerous driving or that could harm yourself, your instructor, or other road users. In these circumstances, the lesson fee will need to be paid in full.
4. Lesson Location:
All lessons will start and end at the same location unless alternative arrangements are made in advance. We can be flexible with this if notice is given and worked into the diary. I will select the location for lessons for the safety of all road users. This may mean I will need to drive you to a suitable local location, which will form part of the lesson as paid for.
5. My Car:
My car used for lessons will be suitably taxed and insured. It will also be fully roadworthy and fitted with dual controls.
If you require tuition in your own vehicle, this will need to be agreed in advance. You must then supply written evidence from your insurer that the car is insured whilst being used for driving tuition by a professional instructor in return for payment. The car must be taxed and fully roadworthy with a current MOT certificate. In these cases, I accept dual controls may not be fitted, and I reserve the right to refuse tuition in any vehicle at my sole discretion.
6. Driving Tests:
I will endeavour to ensure there is a car available for your driving test when agreed with me, but this must be booked in advance. Depending on the time of the test, this will require a minimum two-hour booking. This will need to be paid in advance of the test, irrespective of the outcome.
If the practical test is booked without the prior knowledge and agreement of myself, I cannot guarantee that the car will be available on the day of your driving test.
When you make/receive your driving test appointment, you must let myself know promptly so that we can confirm the arrangements. You should also bring along your appointment letter/email confirmation to your next lesson.
Students should be aware that they are responsible for having the correct documentation needed when taking a driving test.
Whilst I will make every effort to ensure that my test vehicle is road worthy and compliant to all legal requirements at the start of the test, occasionally a breakdown, or similar event beyond my control, may occur. I cannot be held responsible for an electrical or mechanical failure that occurs during the test.
I reserve the right to refuse the use of my vehicle for a driving test if I consider there to be a safety risk.
I am not responsible for the DVSA cancelling or abandoning your driving test (unless this is directly caused by negligence on my part).
7. Penalties:
Any fines or penalties incurred on driving lessons or driving tests are the responsibility of the driver.
8. Code of Conduct:
I will always behave professionally. All Students will be treated with respect and consideration irrespective of age, gender, sexuality, race, religion, beliefs, marital status, disability, and social class.
You must wear suitable clothing (including footwear) for driving and for carrying out vehicle checks (oil, tyre pressures, etc.).
You may bring a chaperone with you on one or more of your lessons. It is important that any chaperone does not interfere with, or distract, you or the instructor during your lesson(s). I may curtail a lesson if we reasonably believe the chaperone is having a negative impact on your driving or ability to learn during the lesson. Please let us know in advance if you would like to bring a chaperone along with you.
9. General:
I reserve the right to change or alter any of the terms and conditions without notice and will endeavour to inform pupils of any changes as soon as possible.
If a point or condition of these terms and conditions is not legally effective, the remainder of these terms shall be effective. We can replace any point or condition that is not legally effective with a point or condition of a similar meaning, that is.